Who is the Cils A2 exam aimed at?
To all foreigners residing in Italy who wish to obtain a long-term residence permit (L. n. 94/2009 ; D. M. June 4, 2010).
What knowledge of Italian is required?
Level A2 certifies a basic competence. The person who has it is able to understand sentences and expressions commonly used in immediate situations. Can communicate simply on familiar and routine topics.
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How many tests are planned?
There are 4 types of tests:
• Listening (duration 20 min)
• Reading (duration 30 min)
• Written production (duration 40 min)
• Speaking (duration 10 min)
How can I prepare?
The Trulli Italian School organizes group and individual courses with the aim of preparing students for try.
What are the dates for the A2 exam?
You will find all the dates here.
For registrations:
Write to info@trullischool.com